One South EPIC2 Fundraiser - Friends of Foster Children Forever
$34,091.92 raised of $30,000.00 goal
The goal has been reached! You can still donate to show your support.
To help Foster Families and Organizations Impacted By Hurricane Ian.
Friends of Foster Children Forever:
Our Mission
To focus on the children we serve with targeted educational and enrichment opportunities that allow each child to fulfill their potential.
Our Goal
Of all the children in our community, foster children are the most at-risk of failure. A contributing factor is that at least 80 percent are removed from their homes due to their parents’ substance abuse and/or neglect. There are approximately 300 children in the foster care system in Collier County and only 88 licensed foster homes. In addition, only 50 percent of foster children graduate high school, and only 4 percent graduate college. Friends of Foster Children Forever strives to fulfill the needs of children in the foster care system throughout Collier County.