Cisco Striders Raising Money for Alzheimers Society Fund
$5,752.66 raised of $2,000.00 goal
The goal has been reached! You can still donate to show your support.
We are a team of six Cisco Employees who are walking 50KM to raise money for the Alzheimers Society ..
When and Where
Why .. The Pavelka Step Challenge has inspired us to keep going with our walking each day and so inspired us to enter the North Downs 50K Walk at the end of September and raise money for this really worth while cause ..
If you are able to support our effort with any small amount it would be gratefully received.
Alzheimer’s Society is transforming the landscape of dementia forever.Until the day we find a cure, we will create a society where those affected by dementia are supported and accepted, able to live in their community without fear or prejudice
Team : Julie Harper ; Marnie Offord ; Natasa Natasa Ciric-Bukatarevic; Niki Collins ; Giota Kourou