2020九州南部豪雨災害への寄付/Donations to the 2020 torrential rains in southern Kyushu Fund
$4,940.76 raised of $2,000.00 goal
The goal has been reached! You can still donate to show your support.
現在、私たちが住んでいる日本も含めて、世界中でボランティアや支援を必要としている人たちがいます。このような難しい局面である時こそ、私達のConscious Culture (自己理解、他者への理解、自分が他者(チーム、お客様、より大きなコミュニティー)にもたらす影響に常に目を向け理解し、意図的に行動することにより最高の体験を生み出す)を体現し、サポートを必要としている人たちを支援していきましょう。
Heavy rains have caused extensive damage in the southern part of Kyushu.
People around the world, including in Japan where we live, are in need of volunteers and support. are there. It is during these difficult times that our Conscious Culture (self-understanding, Understanding of others and the impact you bring to others (team, customers, larger community) Embodying and supporting the best experience (creating the best experience by always looking and understanding and acting intentionally) Let's help those in need of