Imagine if...
Brent Harris and Max Dovala are leaders in philanthropy focused on climate. They have identified several best-in-class organizations pursuing effective strategies to mitigate climate change in the United States.
Climate is one of the defining issues of our century. The challenge threatens our environment, our well-being, and our children.
Together, all of us are making decisions that will shape the planet for hundreds of years. Right now, it looks likely that we aren’t going to do enough, and that we might lock in a scenario of rising seas, powerful...
It’s hard to overstate the role our cooling systems play in making the world hotter. Global demand for air conditioning and refrigeration is rising rapidly, and we can meet this demand by building a new generation of air conditioners that are as clean as possible. The refrigerants that are currently used in air conditioners are among the biggest threats to the climate because they are super-potent greenhouse gases that have thousands of times the warming power of CO2. Last year, world leaders made a breakthrough with an amendment to the Montreal Protocol, which resulted in an international agreement to redesign air conditioners to run on climate-friendly refrigerants. This clears the way for large new giving opportunities, including making the redesigned air conditioners use less energy, which will save consumers money.
IGSD led a decades-long campaign to reach the 2016 agreement under the Montreal Protocol to cut superpolluting refrigerants. Their work shapes policy on cooling and energy efficiency globally.
The ICCT conducted the study that uncovered the high-profile Volkswagen diesel cheating scandal, and is the foremost NGO on vehicle regulations in major markets around the world. They give regulators the tools and data to strengthen emissions standards and accelerate the transition to electric vehicles, and they can independently test manufacturers for cheating.
PATH is a leading health NGO that is doing cutting-edge research at the intersection of nutrition and climate. With operations in 70+ countries and a 40-year track record of developing and scaling lifesaving innovations, they can help bring climate-friendly food to people around the world.
Brent Harris is a director on the public policy team at Facebook. Prior to joining Facebook, Brent was a director at Redstone and still serves as an advisor there. He works with companies, foundations, and nonprofits to address social and environmental challenges. He has been called to help with a wide range of high-profile matters, including the...
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